Mgr. Zuzana Holická

Zuzana Holická

Study programme: Social Geography and Regional Development

Thesis title: The effect of companies' involvement in global production networks on their economic performance

Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Blažek, Ph.D.

Main section: Ph.D. students
Department: +420 731178176
E-mail: gnMhY~baYdnjGK_eWbyhT~c
Department: Social Geography and Regional Development

Thesis title:  The effect of companies' involvement in global production networks on their economic performance

Funding: self, scholarship

Begun: October 2017

Thematic research group: Economic Geography Lab


tel: +420 731178176


Current and recent research projects: Comprehension of engagement of companies into global production networks: regional and sectoral analysis of companies operating in Czechia (2019 - 2021), Czech Science Foundation

The head of the project: Doc. RNDr. Jiří Blažek, Ph.D.



2017 - on going - doctoral studies: Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University 

2014 - 2017 - master studies: Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University 

autumn 2016 -  Erasmus+: Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT-UL), University Of Lisbon

spring 2015 -  Erasmus+: Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia 

2011 - 2014 - bachelor studies: Demography – Social Geography, Faculty of Science, Charles University 



BLAZEK, J., HOLICKA, Z. (2022):  Value Capture by Companies of Different Ownership, Tier, Size, and Distance to Market: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis, Area.

BLAZEK, J., BĚLOHRADSKÝ, A., HOLICKA, Z. (2021) The role of tier, ownership and size of companies in value creation and capture , European Planning Studies, 29(11): 2101-2120.


Conference contributions:

  • August 2022: Sustainability Transitions and Innovation, summer school, Bergen HVL, Norway
  • September  2018 17. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti/24. sjezd České geografické společnosti: Geografia na vzostupe? Bratislava, Slovakia. Poster: Jak se liší ambice inovačních firem v krajích Česka?


External activities

  • Member of Evaluation team at Technology Agency of Czech Republic
  • Member of Junak - Czech Scouting