Other activities
Other activities for PhD students are regularly organised with the aim of supporting their research career, for instance:
- Shut Up and Write seminars—regular PhD student and research meetings from the Department with the aim of write papers in a nice and motivational environment and getting moral support. The seminar takes place twice a week during the term.
- Regular seminars focused on professional and personal development (time management, prevention of burnout syndrome,...), help with going through PhD studies (how to be a supervisor, how to write, how to teach, how to apply for research grants, ...), and sharing experience (professional stories, international experiences, communication with media,...). The seminar takes place once a month during the term.
- Students are always welcome to suggest their own ideas about the organisation of seminars.
- The New Wave international conference aimed at PhD students and young researchers has been organized by PhD students at the Faculty of Science, Charles University every year. More information about the conference is here.