Jiří Blažek

Jiří Blažek

Economic Geography and Regional Development

Main section: Supervisors
Phone: + 420 221 951 383
E-mail: XenJV94WHgnD_b29bgvhTj

Research focus: Regional development in Central and Eastern European countries, the formation of regional innovation systems in less developed regions, the evolutionary dynamics of global production networks, and foreign direct investment and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe

A note for prospective PhD students: Potential PhD candidates interested in research at the intersection of economic geography, regional development, and evolutionary geography from various backgrounds are welcome.

PhD supervision:

  • Ongoing PhD projects: Contemporary theoretical approaches towards the study of competitiveness (Aleš Bělohradský); Evolutionary dynamics of the position of Czech companies within GPNs (Zuzana Petříčková)
  • Completed PhD projects: The role of STI and DUI innovation models within regional innovation systems (Vojtěch Kadlec); Changing the financial geography of Europe: Key actors and mechanisms (Tereza Hejnová); The role of the state in regional development: Application of selected regional development theories upon main national supportive schemes (David Hána); The role of soft factors in the regeneration of old industrial areas: Comparison of Ostrava and Ruhr regions (Ondřej Slach); Key stakeholders and mechanisms of regional development in Ústecký kraj (Petr Hlaváček).

For more information see the academic profile of Jiří Blažek